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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["やめさせた"]

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Mr Suzuki persuaded his son to drop his plan to study abroad.
Mr. Suzuki persuaded his son to drop his plan to study abroad.
Mr. Suzuki persuaded his son to give up his plan to study abroad.
He argued his daughter out of marrying Tom.
He convinced his daughter to not marry Tom.
He convinced his daughter not to marry Tom.
He talked his daughter out of marrying Tom.
I scared him out of cheating on the exam.
I got him to stop smoking.
I talked my wife out of buying a new carpet.
I gave the dog a bone, stopping its barking.
I gave the dog a bone. That stopped its barking.
We stopped the child from getting into mischief.
I talked my wife out of buying a new car.
The police broke up the fight.
The doctor persuaded him to give up smoking.
The policeman cut me short in my talk.

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