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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["すぎます"]

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His ideas are too extreme for me.
Is it too early to order from the luncheon menu?
My skirt is too long.
It is too warm for me.
You are much too kind to me.
It's too far to walk to the station, so let's take a bus.
Three hours is too short for us to discuss that matter.
Tom puts too much sugar in his tea.
It's too late, anyhow.
It has too many disadvantages.
It's too difficult for me.
It's too expensive!
That's too expensive.
It's too expensive.
It is too expensive.
You have too many books on the shelf.
Turn down the stereo.
This is too long.
This is too short.
This is a little bit too loose around my waist.

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