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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["つきます"]

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Push the green button, and the light goes on.
Press the green button. If you do so, the light will go on.
Push the green button and the light will go on.
He will arrive in Kyoto tomorrow.
Suddenly the plane begins to rock and the seat belt signs come on.
Dinner will be served on board the plane.
What time is our train arriving at Hakata?
I have some idea of what happened.
The chauffeur will be on duty after 3 o'clock.
It comes with soup or salad.
When does this plane reach Narita?
What time shall we arrive at Sapporo if we take this plane?
This label sticks easily.
What time will we reach Akita if we take the 9:30 train?
You'll get there in less than ten minutes.
I'm on your side.

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