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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["入ります"]

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Supplementary information includes adverbs and things that function as adverbs.
You can get it at a bookstore.
How often a week do you take a bath?
How many times a week do you take a bath?
I take a bath every day.
I have a bath every day.
I take a bath every day.
I take a bath every other day.
I have a bath every other day.
I take a bath almost every day.
We take a bath every day.
If you turn to the left, you'll see a white building.
Do you think you'll be getting more in soon?
When are you going on summer vacation?
Bob is in the drama club.
Most Japanese take a bath every day.
How do you make your money?
Where can I obtain a map of Europe?
Where can I go to get a map of Europe?
I need one month to make a permanent bridge for you.

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