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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["来ました"]

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Where have you come from?
Up till now America has called itself the world's police and continued suppression relying on military force.
I also brought some gruel I made. It just needs warming up.
They seem a little past their peak, but even so we enjoyed the beautiful cherry blossoms.
The hit-and-run driver, accompanied by his father, came and turned himself in the next day.
No, please don't concern yourself. I have learnt to do as the Romans when in Rome.
It's starting to cool off.
It was nice and cool, but it is getting cold now.
A Mr Smith came while you were out.
A Mr. Smith came while you were out.
A Mr. Smith came to see you while you were out.
My daughter is cutting her permanent teeth.
My father, who is now working in America, wrote us a letter last week.
She came into the room with her hat on.
Did she come with him?
She brought a cup of tea to me.
He came in spite of the heavy snow.
He came straight up to me.
Has he come yet?
He rushed into the room with his coat on.

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