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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["続けて"]

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Yes! I won twice in a row!
Up till now America has called itself the world's police and continued suppression relying on military force.
Human beings, whether they realise it or not, continually seek happiness.
If you continue with the pointless arguments'll end up as a repeat of yesterday.
"How are things going?" "Terrific. Income and profit are continuing to rise steadily."
Please continue with your story.
Keep in touch.
I keep in touch with my parents by mail.
Can I continue my trip?
My friend Sun shine on me now and ever.
The dog kept barking at me at the gate and kept me from coming in.
Goods are the great travelers over the earth's surface, far more than humans, which means that hardly an inhabited spot on the globe is untouched by trade.
Prices have been rising steadily.
Miyoko carried a torch so long, I think it gave her heartburn.
She has been watching television for three hours.
They are organizing politically and working to ensure that they are respected and valued.
They stayed married for the sake of their children.
He stays in touch with her.
He seemed to have been working for a long time.
He ran on and on, until he was completely exhausted.

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