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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["貸して"]

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I've been trying to find a way to reach Tom, but I can't.
He asked for money.
I'd like to borrow about three hundred dollars.
"Tom, could you lend me your electronic dictionary?" "Yeah, no problem. Here you go." "Thank you!"
Excuse me, may I borrow a pen?
Will you lend me your dictionary?
Will you lend your dictionary to me?
Would you lend your dictionary to me?
Can I borrow $30?
Can I borrow $30?
Can you lend me 500 yen?
Can I borrow one for about two weeks?
The comic book that Tomoko lent me was not at all interesting.
You will assist us, won't you?
If you are cold, I can lend you my gloves.
I will lend you money. It’s urgent, right?

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