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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["歩いて"]

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I can walk to school in 10 minutes.
I can walk to school in ten minutes.
His backache left him lurching along with leaden legs.
Get a move on!
Just where have you been loitering around without your attendants?
He walked on appearing to disregard the prostitute.
Tom went splashing through the shallows.
The old man was plodding along.
An old man came tottering along.
The lovers were walking arm in arm.
An hour's walk brought me to the next village.
The kindergarten children were walking hand in hand in the park.
It was foggy, so it was hard to make out the figures of people walking.
If you stay out drinking every night, your wife is going to leave you.
I went on foot only one way.
I'm walking beside her.
I'm walking with her.
I am looking forward to walking around the Izu Peninsula with some of my friends during summer vacation.
Why don't we go to the bookstore on foot?
Let's walk to the bookstore.

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