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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["高"]

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It is too expensive.
The car is too expensive for me to buy.
The price of the car is too high.
These shoes are too expensive.
The house is too big for us, and what is more, it is too expensive.
The dress is too expensive. Can't you sweeten the deal a little?
The show was wonderful, but the tickets were too expensive.
However, it is too expensive.
It seems to me that this is too expensive.
I think this is too expensive.
That is too expensive.
This book is too dear for me.
This book is too expensive for me.
This book is too expensive. I can't afford to buy it.
This book is too expensive.
This diver's watch is a little too expensive.
This seems expensive, but it's so durable it will pay in the long run.
I would buy this watch, except it's too expensive.
The price of this tie is too high.
That dress seems to be very expensive.

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