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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [最善を尽くした]

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Frankly speaking, you haven't tried your best.
Father always says, "Do your best."
It is important for them to do their best.
He would do his best.
He will do his best.
I think he will do his best.
He did his best, but failed.
He did his best, in vain.
He tried his best only to fail again.
He did his best and still had poor marks.
He did his best; otherwise he would not have won the first prize.
It is true that he did his best, but he was not careful enough.
He did his best to persuade her.
I cannot tell when he will come, but when he comes, he will do his best.
I cannot tell when he will come, but when he comes, he will do his best.
I don't know when he'll come, but when he does, he'll do his best.
Frankly speaking, you haven't tried your best.
Every player did his best.
The teacher taught us that we should always do our best.
Our teacher told us that we should do our best.

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