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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [小説を書きたい]

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A writer, whose name I have forgotten, wrote this novel.
She encouraged him to write a novel.
He has written a number of exciting detective stories.
He is engaged upon a new novel.
He is writing a novel.
He still writes novels from time to time, but not as often as he used to.
He wrote a novel based on ancient myths.
He felt a sudden urge to write a novel.
It took him three years to write the novel.
It took him five years to write this novel.
He has spent three years writing this novel.
He wrote this novel at twenty.
His writing of a novel surprised us.
Whether he wrote the novel or not is not known.
How long did it take him to write this novel?
Do you know who wrote this novel?
When we write a novel, we exercise our imagination.
I have been busy writing a short story.
I think it impossible for me to write a novel in French.
I tried writing a novel.

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