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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [間違いなく]

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It is certain that he will pass the examination.
That he did such a terrible thing is certain.
In the underground, to double-cross any member means sure death.
Eat green fruit and ten to one you will get ill.
You'll get the plane all right if you leave at once.
If you leave right now, you'll be in time for the plane for sure.
I'm certain we can deliver the laboratory equipment by March 15th.
Your composition is very good, and it has few mistakes.
Ten to one you can pass the test.
He said he would give us his decision for sure by Friday.
You better believe it.
Make sure that you arrive at seven o'clock.
Make sure that all of you arrive at nine.
Our team has the game on ice.
I'll bet my bottom dollar he'll succeed.
I'm sure that he'll succeed.
It was a flying saucer all right.
The criminal is sure to do time for robbing the store.
See to it that the letter is posted this afternoon.
If you do it that way you won't be mistaken.

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