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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [髪を切って]

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She wanted to have her hair cut, but her mother wouldn't let her.
She had her hair cut because she liked shorter hair, not because she had lost her love.
She got her hair cut because she likes it not because she had lost her love towards it.
They dissuaded her from cutting her long hair.
He had his hair cut.
You should get your hair cut.
You had better have your hair cut.
I'd like you to cut my hair.
I get a haircut every month.
I got my hair cut.
I had my hair cut at the barber shop yesterday.
It's high time you had a haircut.
It's high time you had your hair cut; it has grown too long.
It's time you went to the barber's.
It's high time you had a haircut.
It's about time you went to the barber's.
It's about time you got a haircut.
You need not have a haircut right now.
I think that girl cut her hair to give herself a new look.
Before taking a journey, I got a haircut.

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