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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [大]

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He ranges with the great writers.
He addressed a large audience.
He had to feed his large family.
He works hard to support his large family.
He worked hard to support a large family.
He has a large family.
He has great enthusiasm.
He has a big mouth.
He's a big liar.
He has great enthusiasm for golf.
He has spent most of his time as a career diplomat.
He is as great a statesman as any.
He was as great a poet as ever lived.
He is the greatest poet that ever lived.
He will be a Newton in the future.
He dismissed most of his men.
Though young, he had to support his large family.
Young as he is, he has a large family to provide for.
He liked to blame most of his faults and misfortunes of his life on a tyrannical father.
He saves the greater part of his salary with a view to buying a car.

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