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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [日]

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Tom does nothing but play all day.
If you learn five new English words a day, that's 1,825 words a year, and 182,620 words in one hundred years that you can learn.
If you memorize 5 English words a day, you'll be able to memorize 1,825 words in a year and 182,620 words in 100 years.
Tom often sits in front of his computer all day.
It looks like today will be a long day.
The vote took place on May sixteenth.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Are you going to stay in bed all day?
Even a clock that is stopped shows the correct time twice a day.
Because my school was closed yesterday due to the snow, I hung out all day at home.
How many flights to Boston do you offer a day?
The shop is open all day.
I'm a day late, but "Happy Birthday!".
I get the feeling this will be a good day.
It's been a really long day, huh.
Taking the opportunity for President Obama to visit Japan as a state guest, the chief trade negotiators of Japan and the U.S. conducted a series of marathon meetings from midnight to early morning.
Meanwhile, one national newspaper put out a headline in its evening edition, which read Japan and the U.S. came to a substantial agreement. This surprised many people including the government officials.
I'll be able to finish in a day or two.
A day without a vein of humour is an extremely sad day.
Tom hadn't eaten anything the whole day and was very hungry.

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