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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [大きすぎて]

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It's too loud.
It's too big.
It's too large.
I am going to return this sweater because it's too big.
Your car makes too much noise. You should have it looked at.
The radio is too loud. Can't you turn it down a little?
The radio is too loud.
The radio is too loud. Turn the volume down.
The radio is too loud. Please turn the volume down.
The house is too big for us, and what is more, it is too expensive.
That TV is too loud.
That club is way too big.
The class is too large to be taught by a single man.
Turn down the stereo.
These dresses are too large.
This is too big.
This book is too large to go in my pocket.
This hat is too big for you.
This dress is much too large for me.
This ship is too big to pass through the canal.

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