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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [そうしなさい]

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Why did she do that?
Turn to the right, and you'll find my office.
Turn to the right, and you'll find the hotel.
Study hard, and you'll succeed.
Work hard, and you will pass the examination.
Work hard, and you will pass the examination.
Work hard, or you will fail the examination.
Work hard, and you will succeed.
Work hard, and your salary will be raised by degrees.
I didn't mean to do that.
I have no particular reason to do so.
Walk slowly, and I will catch up with you.
Work slowly, and you won't make mistakes.
If I were rich, I would study abroad, but as it is I can't do so.
So that Michelangelo might paint certain figures on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, so that Shakespeare might write certain speeches and Keats his poems, it seemed to me worthwhile that countless millions should have lived and suffered and died.
Go straight on, and you will find the store.
Marry first and love will follow.
He traveled a great deal, as did most of his friends.
What did you do that for?
Why did you do that?

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