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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [のだ]

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I would give you the moon if I could.
My family is still working, so I can't go to Texas right away.
My family is still working, so they can't go to Texas right away.
I thought Tom had a day off.
I thought you were going to be at home last night.
I'd love to marry you, but my family won't let me.
I think that's the reason Tom doesn't have any friends.
I thought for a moment Tom was going to start laughing.
I thought you guys were planning on coming to my party.
I thought you wanted Tom to marry you.
I thought you were going out with Tom.
I thought you were going to stay home.
I thought you were going steady with Tom.
I thought you were going to fix the sink.
I thought you didn't believe in ghosts.
I thought you were mad at Tom.
I thought you'd agree with me.
I thought you'd be at the bar.
I thought Tom was still in jail.
I thought you grew up in Boston.

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