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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ものが言えなかった]

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She's a plain speaker.
Eyes sometimes talk louder than words.
Tell me what you want.
Her surprise was so great that she could not speak.
Her emotion was too strong for words.
She is frank in speech.
She speaks frankly.
He can't say anything to his father's face.
He didn't speak to me at all.
He did not speak at all.
He was too angry to speak.
He was so angry as to be unable to speak.
He was so angry he couldn't speak.
He doesn't mince words.
Such was his surprise that he could not say a word for some time.
It is your constant efforts that count most in the end.
In practice, ability counts for more than effort.
Don't speak with your mouth full.
Money talks.
Chiefly, I want you to be more frank.

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