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The work I'm doing now requires originality.
Now is the time when I need him most.
A man who asks his wife's permission before taking any action except breathing is a henpecked husband.
Smart shopping requires careful planning.
Study takes a lot of energy, but it is worth the effort.
Research requires a lot of energy, but it's worth the effort.
The economy is in dire need of a jumpstart.
Air, like food, is a basic human need.
One problem is how the enterprises arrange posts for excellent female students, but another important point is whether the educational industry can grow and supply creative students needed for Japan's future.
Environmental problems call for quick action.
The school is crying out for good teachers.
Foreigners in general don't need as many compliments as Japanese are required to give each other, and it is good to keep this in mind.
Mastering a foreign language involves a lot of patience.
The company was in want of money.
More than ever do we need goals or leading ideas that will give purpose to whatever we are doing.
Our company needs someone who is at home in advanced technology.
The scores are low because the task is cognitively demanding.
Our plan will call for a lot of money.
He did not need man's testimony about man, for he knew what was in a man.
Mother Teresa began her work by looking around to see what was needed.

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