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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [診てもらった]

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You'd better see a doctor.
You should see a doctor.
What do you say to seeing a doctor?
Did you see a doctor?
It is necessary that you see a doctor.
You had better see a doctor; it may not be just a cold.
I don't like to have a doctor examine me.
You'd better consult your doctor.
I'd like to see a doctor.
Go and see the doctor.
You must see a doctor.
You need to see a doctor.
Why not see the doctor?
You should have a doctor check you out.
You should see a doctor.
You ought to see a doctor.
You had better consult the doctor.
You should see a doctor.
I want to see a doctor about my stomach-ache.
I want to see a doctor about my stomachache.

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