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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ピアニスト]

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Haven't Bach-playing pianists become less common of late?
The famous pianist smiled.
Miho is a pianist.
She will grow up to be a very good pianist.
She said she was a pianist, but that was a lie.
She is our next best pianist after Mr Long.
She is a pianist.
She is a pianist and her sister is a singer.
Her late husband was a pianist.
Her mother is a good pianist.
Her father intends her to be a pianist.
Her father is an excellent pianist.
She has a daughter who is a pianist.
I know nothing about her except that she is a pianist.
It goes without saying that she is an excellent pianist.
It goes without saying that she is an excellent pianist.
They had two daughters, who became famous pianists.
He is an excellent piano player. In addition, he is a good singer and a very good dancer.
He is a proficient pianist.
It may safely be said that he is the greatest pianist in the twentieth century.

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