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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [どなた]

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"Who is it?" "It's your mother."
Was anybody here while I was out?
I would appreciate it if you could find time to see Mr Fukuoka, or to introduce him to one of your associates.
He is at home, but no one can see him.
He is not at home to anybody today.
I don't receive on Sundays.
Who is the person in charge?
And who might you be?
I am afraid you have the advantage of me.
Excuse me. Who are you?
Excuse me. What's your name?
I wonder who the man over there may be.
Who is that gentleman in spectacles?
Who do you want to speak to?
I wonder if you would kindly introduce us to someone.
Who teaches you English conversation?
What person does everyone take off his hat to?
This is an acceptable gift to everyone.
Do any of you have anything to say in connection with this?
Is this seat taken?

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