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What your saying is if you don't deliver this then it's like a matter of life and death for someone, but then even if it makes a mess of my day, I'll do it.
There are two things that I want you to promise.
If you submit the report by tomorrow, you won't have any problems.
If you arrive at the station, please call me.
[WRONG] 駅に着けば、電話してください (ば conditional may not be used as it is a request).
If she wants, I want to marry her.
Different subject in each clause, so ば conditional may be used.
I will try harder than ever to pass the test.
The number of people joining the meeting is six.
A: … (dozing off) B: Are you sleepy?
I was overwhelmed by the great number of people.
My dad who cherishes his family more than anything else is the coolest man in the world.
She gave a good impression, but (Kokoro) was inappropriately envious that she had now already graduated, and was no longer a middle school student of that school.
The fact that maybe in reality Miss Toujou was told by the teachers to come meet me, and to listen to my story … I try not to think of the possibility that in spite of being told that, she didn't do it.
To be able to get back. To be able to make it like it never happened.
If it was an illusion then her ears recall the voice too vividly.
"I thought that to make you gather all at once would be chaotic, so even if it was wasteful, from yesterday morning I called each person in turn, and even though I was explaining it for you, at the very end, one annoyingly ran away. Don't waste my time."
After hearing that completely wolflike howling earlier, and then to be called Little Red Riding Hood, even if it is coming from a little girl, it is strangely frightening.
"You don't have any imagination. Aren't you simply happy that you were chosen to be the main character of the story?"
3 現実からはなれた空想や楽しい考え。「成功すれば億万長者も夢ではない」「夢多い少女」
"The castle is open from today until the 30th of March. If you don't find the key before then, that day it ends and then the key will disappear and you won't be able to come here anymore."
1 (多く「…をもって」の形で格助詞のように用いて)
"Even still if you want to, feel free to. But, for that situation there is our point of view. The behaviour of the entrance opening when there is an unrelated person present, then from a security point of view, it shouldn't do that."
まね【真▽似】の意味 =
2 行動。ふるまい。「ばかな真似はよせ」

2 そうあってほしい。また、そうあるべきである。のぞましい。「柔軟な対応が―・い」「―・くない傾向」
What should I do so that I can improve my Japanese?

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