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It is true in a sense.
Then an argument developed between some of John's disciples and a certain Jew about purification.
You must bring the person who is immediately concerned with the accident.
The work was well done in a way.
The doctor is a man of culture.
But being bored is also fun in a way.
But Tuesday mornings were different, because Tuesday was music day.
A gentleman is a man of independent means.
How is it that otherwise reasonable people come to believe that this same roof, that practically vanishing commodity, is freely obtainable just by packing up and going to another country?
This is a great invention in a way.
This is a great invention in a way.
Everybody in this world has to cope with a lot of difficulties.
These words were spoken by someone who shall be nameless.
This credit card entitles us to certain privileges.
Cancer may be related to viruses of some kind.
I always enjoy listening to classical music when I have some free time.
Just because a certain book does not interest readers does not mean that the fault lies in the book.
I'd like to put some things in the hotel safe.
You could always hand off some of the work to the junior staff.
One day she met a wolf in the woods.

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