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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [からかわれる]

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It is wrong to make fun of an old man.
Don't make fun of old people.
Don't make fun of him because he cannot write his name.
You ought not to make fun of them.
Don't make fun of her. She just chugged three bottles of beer.
Don't make sport of her.
She made fun of her husband.
She was always pulling my leg when we worked together.
They made fun of her because she had a funny hat on.
Since she was wearing the very strange hat, people teased her.
I can't help making fun of him.
You should not make fun of him.
It is impudent of you to jest at him.
Don't make fun of them.
They made fun of him.
They teased the new student.
They made fun of me.
He was always pulling my leg when we worked together.
He was always pulling my leg when we worked together.
He was always pulling my leg when we worked together.

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