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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [かきましょう]

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To lose face means to be humiliated.
In summer it is essential to drink lots of water when we sweat.
We were sweating in the heat.
If I had known his address, I would have written.
You should write HANDLE WITH CARE on the parcel that contains the teacups.
Don't be so greedy or you'll wind up with nothing.
Let's ask if it is true.
The pictures are of her own painting.
The picture was painted by Picasso.
You've got to write to him quickly.
Whether Shakespeare wrote this poem or not will probably remain a mystery.
This is the picture of his own painting.
This is a picture painted by him.
This is a picture of my own painting.
This is a picture that I drew.
Would you please fill out this form?
My uncle wrote this letter of introduction.
The picture was painted by a famous painter.
Written as it is plain English, this book is useful for beginners.
Will you write your name here?

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