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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [にしておかなければ]

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I left it unlocked.
Leave it as it is, or you will be scolded.
Let it hang.
Please keep it secret.
Keep it quiet.
It occurred to me that I should not keep it secret.
You may as well keep it a secret.
You should leave it for tomorrow.
We shouldn't leave the matter unsettled.
The mother was reluctant to leave her children alone.
Leave that box where it is.
Put what you get at the store to my account.
Keep the news to yourself.
Let's put that on hold.
Make that floppy uncopyable, just in case.
Make that a shared folder.
John kept the door open.
Keep quiet in bed for a while.
Let's keep this a secret.
Let's just keep this between ourselves, shall we?

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