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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [������������������]

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I will do it at all costs.
If I should fail, I would try again.
If I should fail, I would try again.
If I should fail, I would try again.
If I should fail, I would try again.
Give them just enough food every day.
He does twenty push-ups every morning.
Cows give their calves milk every morning.
My sister will have finished her homework before she goes to Hokkaido.
The real issue is how to prevent the disease.
You really did a good job.
I agree with you that we should try again.
I must manage on a small income.
I'd like to engage in foreign trade in the future.
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
I'm not satisfied with what you've done.
I've got the devil's own luck in everything.
I got along with everybody.
I had my pocket picked in the bus.
I tried this and that, blending yellow with white powders and obtaining brown, mixing crystals with powders and getting dust, combining liquids with solids and making mud.

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