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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [プレゼント]

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We will give her a present on her birthday.
Children found Christmas presents hidden under the bed.
The children exchanged presents at the Christmas party.
I am sending you a birthday present by air mail.
You shall have a nice present.
I didn't expect such a nice present from you.
We gave our mother a watch.
I will give you a present.
I got a farewell present from everyone.
Can you gift-wrap this, please?
Could you gift wrap it?
This is a present for you.
Thank you for your present.
Will the present make him happier?
Bill never fails to send a birthday present to his mother.
Is the harmonica a present from his father?
Which present shall I take to the party?
Tom never fails to send a birthday present to his father.
We should start getting Christmas gifts for the children.
Each child was given a present.

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