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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [おいしくて]

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It tastes very good, doesn't it?
Do you know a good place to have lunch?
A little walk will give you a good appetite for breakfast.
The dish smells good.
The food seems very delicious.
The fruit smells delicious.
That restaurant usually serves good food at lower prices.
The soup in the bowl was very delicious.
The tea we had there was excellent.
The tea we had there was excellent.
No good apple on a sour stock.
I've never eaten anything as delicious as this.
Have you ever tasted such a good soup?
These cakes are good. Please try one.
This cake is delicious.
This cake is good.
This is a very good tea.
This is very good ice cream. Won't you have some?
This dish is more delicious than that one.
This tree bears good peaches every year.

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