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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [おいしくて]

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The food is good, and service is good here.
They serve excellent food here.
It goes without saying that hunger is the best sauce.
When you are hungry, anything tastes good.
If you put more tea leaves into the pot, the tea will taste better.
My aunt showed me how to make good coffee.
His aunt's apple pie was delicious and he had a second helping.
His aunt's apple pie was delicious, so he had a second helping.
Delicious looking food doesn't necessarily taste good.
It looks appetizing.
Looks delicious. Think I'll try some.
I'm going to cook you a nice dinner.
Thank you for the wonderful dinner.
Thanks for the delicious meal.
Good food and good sleep will cure you of your cold.
I've cooked you a nice hot dinner.
A nice roast chicken is one of my favorite dishes.
It's good. You should try it.
I found a good Mexican restaurant.
Any dish will do if it is delicious.

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