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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ために]

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She cooked a special dinner for him.
She risked her life to save him.
Tom went out of his way to help Mary.
She cooks for him every day.
Could you translate this for me?
In order to get a reservation, you must use her name.
I'm going to Berlin to visit my friend.
We are all praying for Japan.
I've heard it said that English is for making money, French for making love, and Spanish for praying to God.
You've got to have a strong will to study something unrelated to your job after you've finished working.
In order to be sure of the words I learnt today, I review them again.
Tom poured cold water over himself to wake himself up.
Our top priority is to settle this dispute once and for all, so we are ready to meet them halfway.
We will separate our home's large land equally for our children.
We will divide the large area of family land equally between our children.
London was a city built for the horse.
I rub with pumice, in order to smooth the back of my feet.
Please answer this question for me.
I received an eReader for Christmas.
I need some cardboard boxes to pack my possessions.

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