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When I went into the public toilets there was a toilet paper tied as a bow but I really want them to stop...
After finishing business, with the hands you haven’t washed about taking the trouble of pulling out the paper wastefully and doing this I only felt their thoughtlessness...
How much paper is used for the phoenix
Sorry for being away even though you came all the way to my place.
Sorry for being away even though you came all the way to my place (and I regret that I missed the opportunity).
There was a girl who looked like she was about to cry.
You are light. Sometimes, you are too bright to look straight at but even so, can I stay by your side?
I work hard everyday. Even still, I don’t have money.
I am close to my students like friends but I act like a teacher in class.
The warm soothing breeze is blowing like how it should be in spring.
The girl always has a cheery smile.
The anime that I’ve been looking forward to has finally started.
I was pushing myself at work, and then I finally collapsed.
I’m going to get changed so look the other way!
I don’t have time to care about you.
This TV set is useless. It’s broken.
I work not because I like it. I work in order to live.
It’s cloudy, so I guess it’s raining soon, isn’t it?
A cat is trying to climb the tree.
You are always lying. Even if you are suspected by everyone, that can’t be helped.

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