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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [いたかった]

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The lights are on.
I am turning on the light.
Oh, my confidant! I was waiting for you.
Recently, family ties are weakening.
We are connected with a strong bond.
A: Those two have been always fighting recently. B: They were getting along, though.
We’ve been having unpleasant weather these days.
When I arrived at home, there was nobody.
Stay with me until I fall asleep.
Why are you wearing your school uniform? Today is Sunday (so you don’t have to)!
Do you know her secret?
Whatever happens, I will always love you.
"I got a phone call. It seems it was a heart attack. She was discovered in a collapsed state, and apparently at that time she did not even have a pulse. They were saying at the hospital that they want to do an autopsy, but because that person is the type that would definitely hate it I refused"

"Such privileged circumstances huh", saying this like he was spitting, he left via the gate.
〔形容詞「えい(良・善・好)」の転〕「よい」に同じ。主に関西地方で用いる。 「 -男」 「 -もの」

3 境遇。身の上。やや皮肉をこめていう。「まったく気楽な御身分だ」

1 断定の意を表す。…である。…だ。

3 活用語の終止形、助詞に付く。
However, that primitive, violent power is the same, the pain from the loneliness feels like having her heart being tightly squeezed, or like how far an elevator is going to fall.
Somehow, until only just recently, the feeling she had of being unable to move in the oppressive unescapable like human relations of that narrow classroom is like a lie.
③ 時間が経過するばかりで、もうこれ以上新たな展開が望めない状態になる。 「 - ・った演奏」
I have been bothered by nuisance calls lately.
I've been racking my brain for relationships at work.
I work as I like my job itself, not for money.
The woman crying in front of me was just like my old self.

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