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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [おらず]

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Furthermore, even after the company information session, we sometimes hold company tours.
With 19 cases of death forming over 20% of the whole, the grave reality of overwork-deaths has been thrown into relief.
We are aiming for an integrated development zone that combines business and industrial quarters.
1/4 of the world's carbon dioxide emissions are from America: its per-capita emissions are also the greatest in the world.
The verb 'help' takes to-infinitives and bare infinitives but bare infinitives are said to be the most common in casual text; as also used in this example sentence.
Thank you for your business. Please come again!
In many languages the way dictionary-form words end is fixed; in Japanese they end in a 'u row' character.
Men are absolutely not allowed to post or reply to articles.
In the latest report, it is written that 90% of all the cocaine smuggled in the world is transported by sea, and most of that by speedboat.
At present a very great number of people are seeking to participate and, depending on circumstances, up to a month ahead is fully booked.
Without flinching from that fact in the slightest, Chitose is spending today as well in fine spirit.
In reports in America, guerrilla resistance by the Iraq military is called terrorism.
I am looking forward to receiving your favorable answer.
I am looking forward to receiving your favorable answer.
I'm looking forward to receiving your favorable answer.
I'm looking forward to receiving a favorable answer from you.
I'll expect you next week.
Plenty of opportunities will present themselves, if only you are awake to them.
I'll be waiting for you at the station tomorrow morning.
This letter contains sensitive information that may offend some people.

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