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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [じっと]

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Bob stared me in the face.
Bob brooded on the matter.
Bob thought deeply about that matter.
Hold still a moment while I fix your tie.
I wondered why people were staring at me.
The old man stood still at the gate.
The man watched the sun set below the horizon.
The man lay motionless.
The teacher contemplated me for a while.
The girl was gazing at the doll.
I thought the little boy who was staring and pointing at the foreigner was very rude.
John stared at the picture.
John stood still with his eyes fixed on something strange.
Stand still and keep silent.
As she watched, the birds, especially Chizuko's golden crane, looked alive in a light autumn breeze.
After patiently listening to the audience's complaints, the judges changed the results.
Hold still or you'll be shot.
Jane studied herself in the mirror.
Tell me. I'm all ears.
The coach was waiting for the players to swim.

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