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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [かけたくない]

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Could you call again later, please?
He risked his life to carry out his duty and inspired police officers everywhere.
The checked player must find a way for the king to escape and block the check.
I tumbled on the truth by the merest accident, when I'd pretty nearly chucked the whole job.
The woman in a red dress ignored the black-clothed man and called a friend on her mobile.
The girl in the red dress ignored the man dressed in black and called a friend on her cellphone.
Please ensure the genitals are obscured by a mosaic effect.
I want you to somehow resolve the situation as promptly and avoiding to cause trouble for my sister and those around us as much as possible.
Even making an international phone call from a mobile, if it's Mobila then you can do it for 20 Yen per minute.
3. If you do phone then hang up immediately, without following any instructions given.
However often I phone I can't get through.
Please simmer the beans for a while over a low heat.
What you call a 'charm', you know, is what girls wish upon that they may get together with the person they love and such like.
When I was on the verge of losing you, I saw how sinful my soul was.
Idiot, I've forgotten that two-timing bitch.
When the frame is finished, the spider fixes lines of silk across it, just like the spokes of a bicycle wheel.
If you want to speak to me, please call me up.
You have to take your time over your thesis.
The old man saw my notebook and smiled at me.
It is not wise, nor in the long run is it kind, to tax the thrifty for the thriftless.

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