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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [かけられ]

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She went on trial charged with murdering her husband.
She brushed her husband's hat.
She is vain of her beauty.
She ironed his shirts.
She laid a blanket over him.
She put him under a spell.
She is brushing her hair.
She put on dark glasses to protect her eyes from the sun.
She didn't pass me without speaking to me.
She smiled at me as she passed me in the street.
It took her a long time to choose a hat.
She took a long time to choose her hat.
She hung beautiful curtains over the window.
She hung the washing on the line.
She beamed at her baby.
She smiled at her baby.
She's alive! She was drowning, but her father saved her.
She saved her baby's life at the risk of losing her own.
She gave my shoes a quick brush.
She had begun to recede in my memory.

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