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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ござる]

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Thank you very much!
Thank you!
Thanks a lot!
Oh, I'm sorry.
Thank you for reading to the end.
Thank you for looking at my poor scribblings.
In connection with this I can only reply, "it is just as you say."
Thank you for your business. Please come again!
"Good morning. You're a bit late today aren't you?" "Yes, I ran into a bit of trouble."
"Good morning. You're late today, aren't you?" "Yeah, I got a bit caught up."
"Good morning. You were a bit late today." "Mhm, I got a tad delayed."
Thank you for all you did for me that time.
Thank you for your instruction. It really helped.
Use a brief expression of condolence, such as: "On this sad occasion we grieve with you".
Thank you for coming.
Thank you for inviting me to dinner.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you for coming in for the interview.

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