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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ミルク]

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I have an allergy to milk.
I want three sugars in my milk.
My older sister often drinks tea with milk.
Where is the milk tea?
I want some milk, but there isn't any in the refrigerator.
The milk boiled over.
The milk went sour.
Milk is made into butter and cheese.
Cheese is made from milk.
There is a little milk left in the bottle.
There is little milk left in the bottle.
Bread and milk are good foods.
I need some bread and milk.
Butter is made from milk.
Yes, and here's a photo of the farm where we milked the cows.
Some wise guy left the milk out of the refrigerator all night.
Cheese is made from milk.
Every day grandfather and grandmother gave the kitten plenty of milk, and soon the kitten grew nice and plump.
The cat drinks milk.
The baby cried for milk.

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