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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ミルク]

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He put milk in his coffee.
Kate drinks a lot of milk every day.
Mother has sent you some cakes and milk.
He ate Mr Wood's good country food, and drank a lot of milk.
You cannot separate the milk from the coffee once you put it in.
Was all of that milk drunk?
I shit in your milk.
Would you like a cup of milk?
Would you like sugar and milk?
I want to drink coconut milk.
Cows give us milk and chickens give us eggs.
Give me some milk.
Please give me a cup of milk.
He put milk in his coffee.
Do you have some milk?
This cheese is made from goat's milk.
Drinking warm milk will help you get to sleep.
Waiter: Do you need sugar and milk for your tea? – Customer: Just milk is fine.
If I don’t drink hot milk, I can’t sleep.

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