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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [つきたい]

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"What's going on in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea."
You're lucky because he didn't bite you.
About how much does it cost to have a dentist remove cigarette tar from your teeth?
Frankly speaking, this 'on board' means "doesn't have a graphics card".
Wooden buildings catch fire easily.
An infinitive without a 'to' attached is called a bare infinitive.
When I looked in a gardening book I was surprised by how many were marked poisonous.
"It's still shallow, eh. My feet still touch the bottom." "It's quite a shallow beach. Yotsuba, you can still touch the bottom can't you?"
Please ensure you always include a link-back in your replies. ">>" in plain ASCII + number (e.g. >>1).
If you're with me as a staff officer then I need you to bring a sense of danger with you to your work.
The landscape of yellow, a mass of sunflowers flourishing beyond measure.
The boiler was heavily scaled.
Morning, Haruki. You've got bed hair.
The old man walked with a stick.
The train has just arrived here.
The train should arrive at Osaka by ten.
That customer came back to complain again.
Push the green button, and the light goes on.
Press the green button. If you do so, the light will go on.
Push the green button and the light will go on.

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