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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [かぶれない]

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She was wearing a black hat.
My companions, who weren't wearing hats, apparently had their noses and cheeks turn red.
Snow completely covered the town.
It's a good idea to cover up when the sun is this strong.
Put your hat on.
When you enter the classroom, you should take off your cap.
You're wearing an odd cap, aren't you?
My father usually wears a hat when he goes out for the night.
My father usually wears a hat when he goes out.
That gentleman usually wears a hat.
She came into the room with her hat on.
She put on her hat.
She has got a nice hat on.
She's wearing a nice hat.
She's wearing a cool hat.
She's wearing a great-looking hat.
She was wearing a new hat.
When she appeared in court, she was wearing a sort of crown.
She had a strange hat on.
She put on her hat to go out.

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