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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [つけたい]

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She put up the new curtains today.
There was much lipstick on her lips.
She buys what she wants regardless of the cost.
She wears a sweet perfume.
She is putting on some face lotion.
She is making progress with her English.
She keeps her diary in English.
She is incapable of deceit.
She doesn't wear the cheap stuff.
She wore a loose jacket.
She's practicing English so she can get a better job.
She is wearing a brooch.
How did she come to know so much about fish?
How did she get to know so much about fish?
She chose a scarf to wear with the dress.
She was careful not to break the glasses.
She ought to have known better than to say that.
She's wearing eye shadow.
She has kept a diary for 3 years.
You'd better be careful about going to her house.

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