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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [つけたら]

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"A rolling stone gathers no moss" is a proverb.
Watch out! A police spy is snooping around.
This skull and crossbones was named based on the world-famous Captain Kidd who was active in late 17th century Britain.
I tried to take care with the shadows, but it just doesn't go very well.
Shoes ... many courses ban shoes with spikes, so take care.
You shouldn't be picky about other people's work, you know?
The cops are keeping tabs on him.
Understanding parts-of-speech is extremely important for getting the feel of word order.
"Ah, y-yes ... Sorry, Coz." "Hey! You might be my relative but here I'm your senior and a doctor. Keep things straight while you're in the hospital!"
If the more advanced want to improve English ability (especially reading comprehension) increasing vocabulary is the way to go.
In addition to the general curriculum there are tutorials in the essentials of machinery, training is also carried out for skills in and learning how to use the various types of machinery.
Light source, that is what direction the light is facing, also take care with shadowing. Just copy down into the sketch book you have at hand as accurately as possible.
You can't go putting your values on people's work!
When drawing kanji be careful of dots and sweeps, write as carefully and quickly as possible.
If those little brats of sisters are good enough I'll make a gift of them to you!
You must look to your manners.
Could you charge it to my room?
Keep both feet firmly on the ground.
You must be careful not to drop the eggs.
You must be careful in choosing your friends.

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