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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [つけられる]

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You must be careful in choosing your friends.
Friends hung that name on her.
You have to be more careful when you play ball.
I don't switch on the light in my studio at night.
The question is: Who will bell the cat.
The trees began to come into leaf.
Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face.
Will you turn on the light?
Take care lest you should fall asleep.
I will see that all goes well.
We must keep a diary every day.
I must write in my diary every day.
I keep a diary every day.
I write in my diary every day.
I found it difficult to keep a diary every day.
Mom applied the plaster to the cut.
Okay. Drive safely.
Mark the words that you cannot understand.
Take care not to catch a cold.
Look out that you don't catch cold.

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