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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [つけられる]

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Her dress attracted everyone's eyes at the party.
Her dress attracted everyone's attention at the party.
You should watch your language when you talk to her.
She turned around and saw someone was following her.
You must be careful that she doesn't fall over the cliff.
You should be careful not to bother him.
They named their daughter Helen.
They set fire to their neighbour's house in revenge.
They had to clean out the goods in stock within the year.
They elected him mayor by a large majority.
They have solved the problem once and for all.
They named the ship the Mayflower.
He kept a diary during the trip.
He made up his mind to keep a diary every day.
He decided to write in his diary every day.
He made a resolution to write in his diary every day.
He made up his mind to write in his diary every day.
He brushed his hat.
He took a hot bath and turned on the TV.
He shouted to her to be careful.

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