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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [つけられる]

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He had his own way over everything.
He finds faults with everything I do.
He finds fault with everything I do.
He keeps a diary in English.
He lit a candle in the dark.
He turned on the radio.
He lit another cigarette, but immediately put it out.
He is making great progress in English.
He is making great progress in English.
However tired he is, he writes in his diary before going to bed.
No matter how tired he is, he writes in his diary before going to bed.
He walked on and on, his dog following.
He took as much care as possible.
He equipped himself with everything needed to climb the mountain.
He put the painting at a very high price.
He put a mark on the page.
He dipped his spoon into the soup.
He followed me along.
He baited the trap for rabbits.
He warned his sister about that man.

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