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I don't want to lose my ideas, even though some of them are a bit extreme.
I have lost my wallet.
Thanks to you I've lost my appetite.
Losing my daughter has taken away my will to live.
Hiroshi is worn out with worry since he lost the only copy of the book he needed for his report.
When I see typos I lose interest in answering.
To my dismay I found I had lost my money.
He had his parents die in the plane accident.
He lost his parents in a plane accident.
The talented finance minister's ingenuity has helped his bankrupt nation to get out of the red.
Some have lost faith in democracy.
I'm very sorry, but I seem to have lost your umbrella.
Are you certain that you lost your book, or did you merely misplace it?
I have lost my cap.
The soldiers lost the courage to fight.
My father gave me a watch, but I lost it.
I lost the watch Father had given me.
I lost the watch my father had given me.
The widowed mother had to go through a lot of hardships.
She lost her hat, but soon found it.

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